
Below you may find all posts I wrote, some were previously hosted at a wordpress blog so the layout of the code snippet might be weird. I will try to work down the posts and fix this.

Feel free to leave comments, also I am always happy to hear about posts ideas.

Meeting With Yves Rosseel

5 minute read

Following some mail exchange with Yves Rosseel about the simulation work I have been doing on SEMs, finding out that we both live in the same city we organiz...

Simulating SEMs: part 2 extensions

10 minute read

Back in May I published a first post which simulated simple Structural Equation Models (SEMs) to check the capacity of piecewieseSEM to deal with noise. At t...

Categorical random effects with lme4

10 minute read

The aim of this post is to see how to fit mixed effect models with varying effects when the explanatory variable that varies is a categorical variables. For ...

Interpreting three-way interactions in R

4 minute read

A reader asked in a comment to my post on interpreting two-way interactions if I could also explain interaction between two categorical variables and one con...

Cause, mechanism and prediction in ecology

8 minute read

This is a theme that bugged me for the past few months, through reading (Peters’ critique for ecology, Shipley’s path analysis book), meetings and discussion...

On the price of (my) higher education

4 minute read

With my higher education studies behind me, I wanted to reflect a bit on the different amount of tuition fees that I experienced moving around European unive...

About my PhD defense in Germany

8 minute read

I recently held my defense and will most certainly make a couple of posts in the ”near” future on important aspects of the PhD that might helped current or f...

Review of the Fun from 2016

3 minute read

One year as passed, now is the time to look back at my activity for 2016, explore some stats and take some blogging resolutions for 2017. This post was inspi...

Spatial Dynamic in a Host-Parasitoid system

5 minute read

In this post I will explore the spatial dynamic that arise from a simple deterministic host-parasitoid model with migration in a homogeneous environment. If ...

Hierarchical models with RStan (Part 1)

7 minute read

Real-world data sometime show complex structure that call for the use of special models. When data are organized in more than one level, hierarchical models ...

Shiny and Leaflet for Visualization Awards

2 minute read

Next week will be the meeting of the German (and Swiss and Austrians) ecologists in Marburg and the organizing team launched a visualization contest based on...

Exploring Spatial Patterns and Coexistance

3 minute read

Today is a rainy day and I had to drop my plans for going out hiking, instead I continued reading “Self-Organization in Complex Ecosystems” from Richard Solé...

Ecology at the Interface in Rome

4 minute read

Last week I was at the European Ecological Federation conference in Rome, I presented the results of one experiment that we ran last year (THE one big experi...

Count data: To Log or Not To Log

7 minute read

Count data are widely collected in ecology, for example when one count the number of birds or the number of flowers. These data follow naturally a Poisson or...

Evenness effect on ecosystem functioning

3 minute read

Most biodiversity ecosystem function (BEF) experiment focus on one aspect of diversity: species richness, and had to it some functional composition flavour. ...

Summary and thoughts of the BES/SFE meeting

4 minute read

This week was the British Ecological Society/ Société Francaise d’Écologie meeting in Lille, and as I am sitting on the train on the way home I’d like to giv...

Lecture on Biodiversity Ecosystem function

less than 1 minute read

I gave today a lecture to master student in ecology about this field of research I am working on which is biodiversity and ecosystem function. You may find t...

Happy birthday biologyforfun

1 minute read

This blog is now two years old, I started it in November 2012 as I was finishing my third semester of my master degree, the idea at that time was to use this...

Ploting SEMs in R using semPlot

2 minute read

This is a short post presenting the great package semPlot developed by Sacha Epskamp (check out his nice website: to make nice plot...

Using bootMer to do model comparison in R

5 minute read

Setting the right random effect part in mixed effect models can be tricky in many applied situation. I will not talk here about choosing whether a grouping v...

Pourquoi je vais aller voter le 25 mai

2 minute read

Entre le 22 et le 25 mai prochain les européens éliront leurs représentants au parlement européen, cette élection est souvent marqué par un désintérêt, un ma...

Fonctions récursives (avec R)

less than 1 minute read

Les fonctions récursives sont des fonctions qui s’appellent elle mêmes lors de leurs exécution voir:

Now on r-bloggers

less than 1 minute read

All the R related post of this blog can know be found into the aggregated r-bloggers website! Check it out it is great:

Adding color to R plot: a function

1 minute read

A friend of mine told me that she was spending her day colouring R plot because she never understood how to put color in them. This triggered a nerdy reactio...

Science vs Obscurantisme

less than 1 minute read

Les nouvelles françaises font écho en ce moment d’un débat assez malsain sur la non-existante théorie du genre. Une frange nauséabonde de la population franç...

Installing rJava in R>=3.0

less than 1 minute read

This is just a blog post for me to remember this hack that bother for some time, if it can help other people this is even better.

Bringing together R and LaTex

2 minute read

So as some of you may have noticed I am particularly enthusiast about R. For some time now  I have also being using LaTex for my reports and presentation. Th...

Simulating dice throws in R

less than 1 minute read

I am currently following a course on probability theory in coursera ( and I’ve seen some graphs concerning the outcome...

Libertés individuelles et internet

1 minute read

A short update: here is the link to the english version of the manifest:

First Lecture ever

less than 1 minute read

So .. just a quick post to share with you my first lecture ever. It was for a master course that my working group is running on Experimental design and stati...

Manipulation of the legend in ggplot2 (R)

less than 1 minute read

You are one click away from a post on the various way one can change the legend title in ggplot2, combine several aesthetic, remove the legend in ggplot2. ht...

Why should we care about Biodiversity?

3 minute read

With the european economy being stuck under gloomy economic conditions after the banking cisis of 2008, government have been dramatically slowing their roadp...

Generalized Linear Modelling in R (part 1)

2 minute read

In classical linear modelling we are assuming that the response variable (Y) is normally distributed, however for certain type of data like count data or pre...

Ploting raster stacks (in R)

less than 1 minute read

Here is the link to a new R-related post on some really nice functionalities of the raster::plot function:

Making maps in R using ggplot,

less than 1 minute read

Here is a new post, one click away, on how to make maps using the functions implemented by ggplot:

A little change in the blog,

less than 1 minute read

From now on every R related post will be posted there: Since it is very nice and easy for me to upload R code and graphics using Rmar...

Using Spatial Data in R;

4 minute read

Nowadays more and more spatial data analysis are performed in Biology due to the ever expanding information freely available on the internet, as for example ...

The day I stoped using for loops (in R);

1 minute read

For loops are great, they allow you to go elements by elements through a list, data frame… and to perform operations on these subsets of data. This is very u...

Bringing the powers of SQL to R;

2 minute read

One of the biggest flaw of R is the fact that the data you load and use into it are stored in the memory (on the RAM) and not on the disk. Hence as you are w...

IPBES is on its way

3 minute read

Since last year a new UN body has been created aiming at increasing the awareness of decision makers about the current biodiversity crisis. This new body is ...

Making Graphs using ggplot2 in R:

2 minute read

The base package in R allow nice graphs to be drawn but more advanced packages allow better control and still nicer graphs to be created. Two packages are ma...

Correlation and Linear Regression in R

10 minute read

Before going into complex model building, looking at data relation is a sensible step to understand how your different variable interact together. Correlatio...

Manipulating data frame in R

9 minute read

Here you will learn about transforming, merging, ordering a data frame, changing the column order, removing a variable, subsetting and indexing

R at your fingertips

7 minute read

R is an open source statistical software, which mean that it is free and that you can access all the codes that you are using.