Plotting regression curves with confidence intervals for LM, GLM and GLMM in R

8 minute read

[Updated 22nd January 2017, corrected mistakes for getting the fixed effect estimates of factor variables that need to be averaged out]

[Updated 14th July 2017, the function is now on github: any modifications to it will be posted there before updating the post. The function has 2 new functionalities: (i) taking into account offset variables that can be declared in the offset argument, (ii) allowing the user to choose between approximate (the default) and bootstrapped confidence intervals in mixed effect models, this can be controlled with boot_mer arguments.]

Once models have been fitted and checked and re-checked comes the time to interpret them. The easiest way to do so is to plot the response variable versus the explanatory variables (I call them predictors) adding to this plot the fitted regression curve together (if you are feeling fancy) with a confidence interval around it. Now this approach is preferred over the partial residual one because it allows the averaging out of any other potentially confounding predictors and so focus only on the effect of one focal predictor on the response. In my work I have been doing this hundreds of time and finally decided to put all this into a function to clean up my code a little bit. As always a cleaner version of this post is available here. Let’s dive into some code (the function is at the end of the post just copy/paste into your R environment):

[code language=”r”] #####LM example###### #we measured plant biomass for 120 pots under 3 nutrient treatments and across a gradient of CO2 #due to limited place in our greenhouse chambers we had to use 4 of them, so we established a blocking design data<-data.frame(C=runif(120,-2,2),N=gl(n = 3,k = 40,labels = c(“Few”,”Medium”,”A_lot”)),Block=rep(rep(paste0(“B”,1:4),each=10),times=3)) xtabs(~N+Block,data)


N B1 B2 B3 B4

Few 10 10 10 10

Medium 10 10 10 10

A_lot 10 10 10 10

modmat<-model.matrix(~Block+CN,data) #the paramters of the models params<-c(10,-0.4,2.3,-1.5,1,0.5,2.3,0.6,2.7) #simulate a response vector data$Biom<-rnorm(120,modmat%%params,1) #fit the model m<-lm(Biom~Block+C*N,data) summary(m)



lm(formula = Biom ~ Block + C * N, data = data)



Min 1Q Median 3Q Max

-2.11758 -0.68801 -0.01582 0.75057 2.55953



Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)

(Intercept) 10.0768 0.2370 42.521 < 2e-16 ***

BlockB2 -0.3011 0.2690 -1.119 0.265364

BlockB3 2.3322 0.2682 8.695 3.54e-14 ***

BlockB4 -1.4505 0.2688 -5.396 3.91e-07 ***

C 0.7585 0.1637 4.633 9.89e-06 ***

NMedium 0.4842 0.2371 2.042 0.043489 *

NA_lot 2.4011 0.2335 10.285 < 2e-16 ***

C:NMedium 0.7287 0.2123 3.432 0.000844 ***

C:NA_lot 3.2536 0.2246 14.489 < 2e-16 ***

Signif. codes: 0 ‘’ 0.001 ‘’ 0.01 ‘’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ‘ 1


Residual standard error: 1.028 on 111 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.9201, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9144

F-statistic: 159.8 on 8 and 111 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16


Here we would normally continue and make some model checks. As output from the model we would like to plot the effect of CO2 on plant biomass for each level of N addition. Of course we want to average out the Block effect (otherwise we would have to plot one separate line for each Block). This is how it works:

[code language=”r”] pred<-plot_fit(m,focal_var = “C”,inter_var = “N”) head(pred)

C N LC Pred UC

1 -1.9984087 Few 8.004927 8.706142 9.407358

2 -1.7895749 Few 8.213104 8.864545 9.515986

3 -1.5807411 Few 8.417943 9.022948 9.627952

4 -1.3719073 Few 8.618617 9.181350 9.744084

5 -1.1630735 Few 8.814119 9.339753 9.865387

6 -0.9542397 Few 9.003286 9.498156 9.993026

#the function output a data frame with columns for the varying predictors #a column for the predicted values (Pred), one lower bound (LC) and an upper one (UC) #let’s plot this plot(Biom~C,data,col=c(“red”,”green”,”blue”)[data$N],pch=16,xlab=”CO2 concentration”,ylab=”Plant biomass”) lines(Pred~C,pred[1:20,],col=”red”,lwd=3) lines(LC~C,pred[1:20,],col=”red”,lwd=2,lty=2) lines(UC~C,pred[1:20,],col=”red”,lwd=2,lty=2) lines(Pred~C,pred[21:40,],col=”green”,lwd=3) lines(LC~C,pred[21:40,],col=”green”,lwd=2,lty=2) lines(UC~C,pred[21:40,],col=”green”,lwd=2,lty=2) lines(Pred~C,pred[41:60,],col=”blue”,lwd=3) lines(LC~C,pred[41:60,],col=”blue”,lwd=2,lty=2) lines(UC~C,pred[41:60,],col=”blue”,lwd=2,lty=2) legend(“topleft”,legend = c(“Few”,”Medium”,”A lot”),col=c(“red”,”green”,”blue”),pch=16,lwd=3,title = “N addition”,bty=”n”) [/code]


The cool thing is that the function will also work for GLM, LMM and GLMM. For mixed effect models the confidence interval is computed from parametric bootstrapping:

[code language=”r”] ######LMM example####### #now let’s say that we took 5 measurements per pots and we don’t want to aggregate them data<-data.frame(Pots=rep(paste0(“P”,1:120),each=5),Block=rep(rep(paste0(“B”,1:4),each=510),times=3),N=gl(n = 3,k = 405,labels=c(“Few”,”Medium”,”A_lot”)),C=rep(runif(120,-2,2),each=5)) #a random intercept term rnd_int<-rnorm(120,0,0.4) modmat<-model.matrix(~Block+CN,data) lin_pred<-modmat%%params+rnd_int[factor(data$Pots)] data$Biom<-rnorm(600,lin_pred,1) m<-lmer(Biom~Block+C*N+(1|Pots),data) summary(m)

Linear mixed model fit by REML [‘lmerMod’]

Formula: Biom ~ Block + C * N + (1 | Pots)

Data: data


REML criterion at convergence: 1765.1


Scaled residuals:

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max

-2.6608 -0.6446 -0.0340 0.6077 3.2002


Random effects:

Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.

Pots (Intercept) 0.1486 0.3855

Residual 0.9639 0.9818

Number of obs: 600, groups: Pots, 120


Fixed effects:

Estimate Std. Error t value

(Intercept) 9.93917 0.13225 75.15

BlockB2 -0.42019 0.15153 -2.77

BlockB3 2.35993 0.15364 15.36

BlockB4 -1.36188 0.15111 -9.01

C 0.97208 0.07099 13.69

NMedium 0.36236 0.13272 2.73

NA_lot 2.25624 0.13189 17.11

C:NMedium 0.70157 0.11815 5.94

C:NA_lot 2.78150 0.10764 25.84


Correlation of Fixed Effects:

(Intr) BlckB2 BlckB3 BlckB4 C NMedim NA_lot C:NMdm

BlockB2 -0.572

BlockB3 -0.575 0.493

BlockB4 -0.576 0.495 0.493

C 0.140 -0.012 -0.018 -0.045

NMedium -0.511 0.003 0.027 0.007 -0.118

NA_lot -0.507 0.008 0.003 0.003 -0.119 0.502

C:NMedium -0.134 0.019 0.161 0.038 -0.601 0.175 0.071

C:NA_lot -0.107 0.077 0.020 0.006 -0.657 0.078 0.129 0.394

#again model check should come here #for LMM and GLMM we also need to pass as character (vector) the names of the random effect pred<-plot_fit(m,focal_var = “C”,inter_var = “N”,RE = “Pots”) #let’s plot this plot(Biom~C,data,col=c(“red”,”green”,”blue”)[data$N],pch=16,xlab=”CO2 concentration”,ylab=”Plant biomass”) lines(Pred~C,pred[1:20,],col=”red”,lwd=3) lines(LC~C,pred[1:20,],col=”red”,lwd=2,lty=2) lines(UC~C,pred[1:20,],col=”red”,lwd=2,lty=2) lines(Pred~C,pred[21:40,],col=”green”,lwd=3) lines(LC~C,pred[21:40,],col=”green”,lwd=2,lty=2) lines(UC~C,pred[21:40,],col=”green”,lwd=2,lty=2) lines(Pred~C,pred[41:60,],col=”blue”,lwd=3) lines(LC~C,pred[41:60,],col=”blue”,lwd=2,lty=2) lines(UC~C,pred[41:60,],col=”blue”,lwd=2,lty=2) legend(“topleft”,legend = c(“Few”,”Medium”,”A lot”),col=c(“red”,”green”,”blue”),pch=16,lwd=3,title = “N addition”,bty=”n”) [/code]

plotFit2 Please note a few elements:

  • so far the function only return 95% confidence intervals
  • I have tested it on various types of models that I usually build but there are most certainly still some bugs hanging around so if the function return an error please let me know of the model you fitted and the error returned
  • the bootstrap computation can take some time for GLMM so be ready to wait a few minute if you have a big complex model
  • the function accept a vector of variable names for the inter_var argument, it should also work for the RE argument even if I did not tried it yet

Happy plotting!

Here is the code for the function:

[code language=”r”] #function to generate predicted response with confidence intervals from a (G)LM(M) #works with the following model/class: lm, glm, glm.nb, merMod #this function average over potential covariates #it also allows for the specification of one or several interacting variables #these must be factor variables in the model #for (G)LMM the name of the random terms must be specfied in the RE argument #for (G)LMM the confidence interval can be either bootstrapped or coming from #a normal approximation using

#list of arguments: #@m: a model object, either of class: lm, glm, glm.nb, merMod #@focal_var: a character, the name of the focal variable that will be on the x-axis #@inter_var: a character or a character vector, the names(s) of the interacting variables, must be declared as factor variables in the model, default is NULL #@RE: a charcater or a charcater vector, the name(s) of the random effect variables in the case of a merMod object, default is NULL #@offset: a character, the name of the offset variable, note that this effect will be averaged out like other continuous covariates, this is maybe not desirable #@n: an integer, the number of generated prediction points, default is 20 #@n_core: an integer, the number of cores to use in parallel computing for the bootstrapped CI for merMod object, default is 4 #@boot_mer: a logical, whether to use bootstrapped (TRUE) or a normal approximation (FALSE, the default) for the confidence interval in the case of a merMod model

plot_fit<-function(m,focal_var,inter_var=NULL,RE=NULL,offset=NULL,n=20,n_core=4,boot_mer=FALSE){ require(arm)
dat<-model.frame(m) #turn all character variable to factor dat<,function(x){ if(is.character(x)){ as.factor(x) } else{x} })) #make a sequence from the focal variable x1<-list(seq(min(dat[,focal_var]),max(dat[,focal_var]),length=n)) #grab the names and unique values of the interacting variables isInter<-which(names(dat)%in%inter_var) if(length(isInter)==1){ x2<-list(unique(dat[,isInter])) names(x2)<-inter_var } if(length(isInter)>1){ x2<-lapply(dat[,isInter],unique) } if(length(isInter)==0){ x2<-NULL } #all_var<-x1 #add the focal variable to this list all_var<-c(x1,x2) #expand.grid on it names(all_var)[1]<-focal_var all_var<-expand.grid(all_var)

#remove varying variables and non-predictors and potentially offset variables if(!is.null(offset)){ off_name <- grep(“^offset”,names(dat),value=TRUE)#this is needed because of the weird offset formatting in the model.frame } dat_red<-dat[,-c(1,which(names(dat)%in%c(focal_var,inter_var,RE,”X.weights.”,off_name))),drop=FALSE] #if there are no variables left over that need averaging if(dim(dat_red)[2]==0){ new_dat<-all_var name_f <- NULL } else{ #otherwise add these extra variables, numeric variable will take their mean values #and factor variables will take their first level before being averaged out lines 86-87 fixed<-lapply(dat_red,function(x) if(is.numeric(x)) mean(x) else factor(levels(x)[1],levels = levels(x))) #the number of rows in the new_dat frame fixed<-lapply(fixed,rep,dim(all_var)[1]) #create the new_dat frame starting with the varying focal variable and potential interactions new_dat<-cbind(all_var, #get the name of the variable to average over name_f<-names(dat_red)[sapply(dat_red,function(x) ifelse(is.factor(x),TRUE,FALSE))] }
#add an offset column set at 0 if needed if(!is.null(offset)){ new_dat[,offset] <- 0 }

#get the predicted values cl<-class(m)[1] if(cl==”lm”){ pred<-predict(m,newdata = new_dat, }

if(cl==”glm” | cl==”negbin”){ #predicted values on the link scale pred<-predict(m,newdata=new_dat,type=”link”, } if(cl==”glmerMod” | cl==”lmerMod”){ pred<-list(fit=predict(m,newdata=new_dat,type=”link”,re.form=~0)) #for bootstrapped CI new_dat<-cbind(new_dat,rep(0,dim(new_dat)[1])) names(new_dat)[dim(new_dat)[2]]<-as.character(formula(m)[[2]]) mm<-model.matrix(formula(m,fixed.only=TRUE),new_dat) } #average over potential categorical variables
avg_over <- 0 #for cases where no averaging is to be done if(length(name_f)>0){ if(cl==”glmerMod” | cl==”lmerMod”){ coef_f<-lapply(name_f,function(x) fixef(m)[grep(paste0(“^”,x),names(fixef(m)))]) } else{ coef_f<-lapply(name_f,function(x) coef(m)[grep(paste0(“^”,x),names(coef(m)))]) }
avg_over <- sum(unlist(lapply(coef_f,function(x) mean(c(0,x))))) #averging out all factor effects pred$fit<-pred$fit + avg_over }

#to get the back-transform values get the inverse link function linkinv<-family(m)$linkinv

#get the back transformed prediction together with the 95% CI for LM and GLM if(cl==”glm” | cl==”lm” | cl==”negbin”){ pred$pred<-linkinv(pred$fit) pred$LC<-linkinv(pred$fit-1.96pred$ pred$UC<-linkinv(pred$fit+1.96pred$ }

#for (G)LMM need to use either bootstrapped CI or use approximate #standard error from the variance-covariance matrix #see ?predict.merMod and #note that the bootstrapped option is recommended by the lme4 authors if(cl==”glmerMod” | cl==”lmerMod”){ pred$pred<-linkinv(pred$fit) if(boot_mer){ predFun<-function(.) mm%%fixef(.)+avg_over bb<-bootMer(m,FUN=predFun,nsim=200,parallel=”multicore”,ncpus=n_core) #do this 200 times bb$t<-apply(bb$t,1,function(x) linkinv(x)) #as we did this 200 times the 95% CI will be bordered by the 5th and 195th value bb_se<-apply(bb$t,1,function(x) x[order(x)][c(5,195)]) pred$LC<-bb_se[1,] pred$UC<-bb_se[2,] } else{ se <- sqrt(diag(mm %% tcrossprod(vcov(m),mm))) pred$LC <- linkinv(pred$fit - 1.96 * se) pred$UC <- linkinv(pred$fit + 1.96 * se) } }

#the output out<[,1:(length(inter_var)+1)],pred$LC,pred$pred,pred$UC)) names(out)<-c(names(new_dat)[1:(length(inter_var)+1)],”LC”,”Pred”,”UC”) return(out) } [/code]

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