Happy birthday biologyforfun

1 minute read

This blog is now two years old, I started it in November 2012 as I was finishing my third semester of my master degree, the idea at that time was to use this blog as a platform for the research I was doing, presenting some cool R stuff and also use it at some point to express my opinions on some issues. As you may have noticed the second categories took up most of the post published so far, I guess for two main reasons: they are easier for me to make, coding is fun, and they have higher readership than the other post (maybe because I still have to improve my writing skills …). I will try in the coming month/year to somehow adjust this balance a bit more and talk about my research, great new papers that I’ve read or some insights into the life of a PhD student. In total I have made 43 articles which received 11000 views and 31 comments (11 coming from me). Below is a list of the top ten posts:

Taking control of the legend in raster (in R)

Making Graphs using ggplot2 in R:

Using bootMer to do model comparison in R

Installing rJava in R>=3.0

Generalized Linear Mixed Models in Ecology and in R

DataFrame manipulation in R from basics to dplyr

Interpreting interaction coefficient in R (Part1 lm)

Checking (G)LM model assumptions in R

Importing 100 years of climate change into R

Regular expression and associated functions in R

As you may notice all of these articles are R-related, the first post not R-related comes at the 18th place and is:

Why should we care about Biodiversity?

The next development for me would be finding a way to have nice formating of the code in the posts, so far I found the per default formating rather ugly compared to what I get from Rpubs, also if I get my head around it I would like to have a nicer theme with cool pictures. Apart from that I will continue to talk about the stuff that makes life so fun: R, stats, biology and doing a PhD.

Thanks to all reader, it is very encouraging to see that the efforts I am putting in making this are helping some people over there in the world.



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